We are committed to diversity.
We’re building a team that looks like the world we live in and an environment where people from diverse backgrounds feel like we belong.

We honor individuals
We honor people’s humanity in all of our disparate experiences, accepting each person as an individual with a story worth listening to. And we believe that honoring everyone’s humanity means being committed to equity and justice.
We heard over and over from many companies that their employees ‘just aren’t ready for the ‘I’m Not Racist : Am I?’ course. But not from Articulate. Immediately it was clear they weren’t just checking a box. Wisely, they knew talking about the hardest topics first – race and racism – would pave the way for talking about anything else.

Our journey in numbers
For nearly a decade, we’ve worked hard to increase
gender diversity on our team.
We’ve increased gender parity by 41% company-wide since 2011, from 34% women and non-binary folks in 2011 to 48% in 2022. Our executive team has evolved from 0% women in 2011 to 55% women in 2022.
Diversity Matters
For the last few years, we’ve been intensely focused on increasing representation of people of color at Articulate.
We’re committed to hiring a diverse workforce that more accurately reflects the demographics of the U.S. and supporting historically marginalized employees at every level in the organization. As of 2022, 27% of our U.S.-based team doesn’t identify as White. Our BIPOC representation in the U.S. has increased from 14% in 2018 to 27% in 2022.

Our journey in actions
Hired our first female executive
Created our first employee resource group (ERG) for people who identify as women
Formed the first diversity, inclusion, and belonging committee
Started an ally-focused ERG
Created a diversity and inclusion framework
Conducted our first employee engagement survey
Formalized employee resource groups guidelines
Developed new hiring practices to build diverse candidate pipeline
Joined the Professional Diversity Network
Hired our first full-time employee to focus on diversity, inclusion, and belonging
Formed the Black Articulate Network ERG
Started requiring all employees to take I’m Not Racist, Am I? training
Formed the Latinx ERG
Formed the Queerticulate ERG
Launched the Diverse Speaker series
Established a Human-Centered Organization (HCO) framework
Established annual Cash 4 Change program and gave first $100,000 donation to organizations promoting social and/or environmental justice
Added Juneteenth as official Articulate holiday
Created and distributed free online course on Creating Social Change
Developed Service Sabbatical program to support volunteerism on human and civil rights
Established matching employee donation program to organizations engaged in human rights, social justice, and environmental health
Formed the DiffAbility ERG
Formed the Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander ERG
Established compensation structure for ERG leads and DIBS committee members
Established compensation structure for ERG leads and DIBS committee members
Continued Cash 4 Change program with annual commitment of $100,000 donation to organizations
engaged in human rights, social justice and environmental health, nominated and selected by employees
Launched All Voices anonymous reporting and feedback platform
Our commitment
The top executives at Articulate are deeply committed to nurturing a diverse, equitable, inclusive environment where people from all backgrounds belong. Our diversity, inclusion, and belonging (DIBs) framework has the following five pillars.
Access, success, and equity
We’re committed to hiring people with minoritized identities and supporting these employees at every level in the organization. We employ inclusive hiring strategies, coach managers on inclusion, and regularly audit salaries and development opportunities to ensure equity company-wide.
We’re creating thriving spaces and positive experiences for all employees. Our employee resource groups (ERGs) create a sense of belonging, cultivate relationships, and build support structures between people with similar backgrounds and experiences. We incorporate DIBs programming into our annual company retreat and sponsor professional development organizations focused on marginalized communities.
We’re continuously expanding our capacity to support each other across various identities. We offer training and coaching to help our team understand how to build and participate in an inclusive culture—at work and throughout their lives. For example, every Articulate employee participates in “I’m Not Racist, Am I?” training, which includes discussions on how we collectively build a diverse culture of equity, inclusion, and belonging amongst our Articulate and Rise.com teams. We also regularly hold virtual lunch and learns, have virtual guest speakers, and offer educational e-learning courses on celebrations and histories of various cultures.
We work to provide employees with clear guidance and institute company-wide practices that support our diversity and inclusion efforts. Our DIBs committee is composed of a rotating group of Articulate employees (including executives) who foster a culture where employees feel empowered, accepted, respected, valued, and safe in all our differences. The committee explores ways we can improve practices related to DIBs and develops strategies for strengthening the hiring, support, and retention of underrepresented employees.
We measure how we are doing meeting our diversity and inclusion goals through an annual engagement survey. The DIBs committee analyzes results, highlights themes, and makes recommendations for improvement.